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General Assembly in Trento 

Between October 29th and 31st, USES4HEAT’s consortium partners gathered in Trento, Italy, for the project’s general assembly, marking its first year. This event offered a valuable opportunity for partners to exchange updates, network, and discuss the next steps for USES4HEAT.

The event began with a PMC meeting on the 29th, where the coordinator and work package leaders gathered. The following day, the general assembly took place, allowing partners to discuss the latest developments at the demo sites in Italy and Norway, present challenges, share knowledge, and brainstorm future actions. It was a day full of presentations, networking, and collaboration, strengthening the consortium’s efforts towards providing solutions in underground thermal energy storage.

On the final day, partners visited the Riva del Garda demo site, nestled between the mountains and Garda Lake. The tour included a visit to the district heating plant and the nearby paper mill that provides excess heat to the plant. Partners saw first-hand how excess heat is captured during the warmer months and stored for winter. The day ended with a lunch at the complex cafeteria.

You can watch the highlights from the Trento event and the Riva del Garda demo site visit on our YouTube channel here:

USES4HEAT General Assembly: Highlights from Trento & Riva del Garda Demo Site Visit